The “Start Recording” button will start the recording.A video element will display the camera media stream.If the user chooses to record video then the browser will ask for permission to access the device camera and microphone and if the user allows it, then.A select option to let the users choose what type of media (audio or video with audio) to record.The Project Description: The website we are building will have. ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam.

This means you're not charged when the database isn't in use. With servers/instances, you usually pay per hour or at a fixed price. Upstash is a serverless database for Redis. We will be using the MongoDB database so make sure you install it locally or you can use free cloud service from MongoDB. Npm i axios js-file-download socket.io-client Npm i typescript express mongoose cors express-validator mongoose morgan socket.io ytdl-core bull dotenv Postman - A collaboration platform for API development.Node.js - Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.Install required software and packages on your local machine We will use Socket.io for the emitting events and processing and handling jobs will use the Bull package. Users will able to download videos from a server.The client listens to the event and shows appropriate messages.